Wednesday, March 23, 2011

LT's take on hired help

I guess he is an advocate for equality.

LT don't do age discrimination.

I heard he traded in his iconic dangly gold earing for a van, candy, a wind suit, and a press on mustache.

He was hoping his season of Dancing with the Stars would get replayed on Nickelodean.

Don't frown big guy. I'm sure you can wear that jacket as part of a Mariachi band at Quinceañera and pick up chicks there.

He can't help it. He has a disease. He can't tell the difference between a street corner and a Chuck e Cheese ball pin.

How is the horriable song Friday by Rebecca Black and LT different? One comes on a 16 year old girl's iPod the other just comes on a 16 year old girl.

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