Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Mavs vs. Heat: 2006 NBA Finals Rematch

Tonight the Mavs will take on the Heat at 8 PM CST on ESPN. Game one is in Miami but I feel like we are going to open this series hot. Woo!!


Last week Ranger TV announcer John Rhadigan was ousted for Dave Barnett. Rhadigan was given an opportunity of a lifetime and just failed to capitalize. Frankly, he just wasn't that good. Maybe Barnett's time with the Rangers will be more successful and maybe he will prove himself perfect for the job but he will have to work hard to make me forget the squirrely geek who would stare wide-eyed into the camera and spout off absurd facts. Uuuhhh....Jowsh Lewin, I think I miss you.

Lewin was the Rangers play-by-play guy for nine years. He did a wonderful job of working absurd pop culture references and baseball nostalgia into his broadcasting. He was like a nerdy episode of Family Guy. Embracing goofy on-the-field antics like the claw and antlers, Lewin seemed to have as much fun in his role as broadcaster as the guys on the field did playing. I was sad to see him go and have been reminded of how much I miss his play calling by all the Jeff Van Gundy-esque comments by Rhadigan. Uhhhh.....Jowsh, I think I miss you.

Lewin continues to broadcast home games for the San Diego Chargers and he now hosts a midday talk show on 105.5 The Fan. Lewin is married with two kids and currently resides in Southlake, Texas. If you get a chance today shoot the elfish baseball nerd a quick email or tweet to let him know that, Uhhhh…Jowsh, we miss you.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Macho Man Randy Savage Prevents the Rapture

As many of you know the Rapture was supposed to take place on Saturday at 6 PM. Well, some believe this was a miscalculation by the old pastor, some believe the Rapture is made up, but others know the real truth...

...the coming Rapture was met by an Atomic Elbow Drop. Macho Man died to save us from our sins. Communion shall now be replaced by Slim Jims and Red Bulls. OH YEAH!!!

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Congratulations Casey and Jessica!!!

SPB on Location: Nocturnal Fest

"No, I'm not going any closer," Ed said.

"What do you mean?  Why not?" I asked.

"Trust me, the base is so intense you don't want to get any closer."

We were waiting for Bassnectar to start his set at the Nocturnal Festival.  Nocturnal Fest is a 2-night electronic music festival in a field 45 miles from anything worth knowing.  

Ed was right.  When Bassnectar began, it felt as if my brains were going to explode out of my ears... in a good way though.  
The festival consisted of numerous DJs and bands, some of the best people watching I have ever seen, enough lights and lasers to make anyone epileptic, and copious amounts of drugs and alcohol.  See video below:

The Stink Pickle Blog debated the best way to try to describe this otherwordly experience to its voracious readership.  In the end, we decided that any kind of written description would fall short.  So here are a few pictures from the festival with our best captions.

LOOK OUT HOT GIRL!!! The lasers are going to cut you in half!!!

Ghostland Observatory was the "peak"

The picture isn't blurry we are

 Nocturnal = spinning lights, 3D glasses, glow sticks and a blank stare

Things got weird

Then things got really weird

I promise, it really looked this way

I dare you to party this hard!

The end.

Rusko: Boom

I saw Rusko Monday night and it was one of the most insane shows I have seen in a long time. Not since my days standing in the back of a garage at some local Lubbock hardcore show have I felt intensity like I did that evening. The Granada Theater was a very interesting venue for a dubstep show. I love the Granada, it's small and intimate and it has a great historical look and feel. The staff is awesome and always nice and I almost never wait too long for a beer (this is probably because they host a lot of all ages shows; which is terrible).

Anyways, the scraggly Londoner came onstage at 10:45. He had a sweet Euro haircut, torn white T-Shirt, worn out jeans and an absurd amount of energy. Rusko seems like he was probably the antsy kid with ADHD in elementary school that wore dirty clothes, never combed his hair, and wiped his boogers under his desk (kind of like me in college). It was exciting. He stood in front of his DJ equipment, back lit by giant glowing letters which spelled out his name, screamed some unintelligible English bullshit into the microphone, and then dropped the base line. The entire place rattled. The old bones of the Granada Theater nearly crumbled as the brutal baseline vibrated the floorboards and bounced off of the walls. BOOM, and then it hit. The entire dance floor was moving and grinding like some sort of sweaty machine. Our minds were entangled in the complicated rhythms while our ringmaster flopped around on stage screaming and dancing at such a furious pace that even Paul Walker and Vin Diesel wanted to call the tour Fast 6. Lights flashed and danced, hips moved, bodies jumped, and the baseline womped. It was simply filthy.

My Rusko Favorites:
1. Woo Boost
2. Jahova C
3. Everyday
4. Hold On
5. Raver's Special

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

The Affair at Coulter's Notch: Ambrose Bierce

Bitter Bierce Face
The SPB has many goals, not the least of which is to expand your gray matter by exposing you to things you would otherwise ignore.  Here is some quality American literature for you Stinky Pickles.  This is a short story by the same man who provided us with the quote we proudly placed on our banner.  The first link is to the story.  Admittedly it is a little difficult to comprehend on the first read (I had to read it twice), so the second link is an analysis of the story that helps to clear some things up.



Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Reader Spotlight: Casey 'Face' Lamar

Name: Casey Lamar

Age: 25

Nickname and how you received it:  Face…I was a participant (i.e. I got my ass whipped) in a fist fight and caught the brunt of many flying haymakers, relegating my beautiful face to ground chuck for the good part of a month.  The subsequent nickname “face” was given to me affectionately by my friend and future roommate Ian.  The name has since been my identifier, with a stark reminder to never engage in fisticuffs while seated in a vehicle.

If you were going to be stuck on an island for a year and could only have one thing, what would it be? Encyclopedia Britannica, maybe I could learn something…..

If you could have lunch with any living person, who would it be and why? I would like to have dinner with Mark Cuban. I think it would be awesome to see what he is like in conversation and find out what his ideas for the future are….and maybe he’d hook me up with some front row tix too. TAKE DAT WIT CHO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

If you could punch any living person in the face, who would it be and why? I would love to crow-hop Manu Ginolbi right in his big stupid face. I have never hated a person more in my life, and I hate him more because the idiot wins titles .I hate the fact that he is a flopper who gets the benefit of the doubt, without being a top 10 player in the league. I hate that people in San Antonio worship him. I hate the fact that he plays for the team I hate. I can honestly say that I would hit him so hard that his brain would be permanently damaged as a result….and no, I wouldn’t feel bad. I hate you Manu!

What place would you most like to visit and why? I would like to visit Australia, punch some kangaroos, and swim with sharks. Or the moon………

Would you let Anthony shit on your chest for $1000?  NO, explanation is not necessary.

Would you rather lose your legs or your arms?  The wrestler from ASU confirmed my decision; I would rather lose my legs for two reasons:  First, the science behind prosthetics has come so far that you are still able to live a normal life with fake legs, just ask Lt. Dan. Second, I would be scared to do certain things with a claw/rubber hand.

What’s your favorite college memory? My favorite college memory is actually an entire weekend. Tech – UT weekend 2010 had everything a college student and sports fan would ever want, Halloween party, day drinking, football, Dominoes Philly Cheese-steak sandwich, Rockies, friends, beer, Crabtree/Harrell, and WINNING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I will never forget that weekend. 

What hobby would you like to pick up? Carpentry is something I have always wanted to master. If you can build something, you are always going to have a job and be worth a s**t. I would love having the satisfaction of building furniture that I use in my house.

Who is your favorite p*rn star? Jenna Jameson, an OG and pioneer in the field. Too bad Tito screwed it up for everyone……

What is your favorite song? My favorite song of all time is The Warmth, by Incubus. After some thought (2 minutes), the memory of hearing this song in the pit of an Incubus show confirms my choice. BOOM!!!!!!!!!!!!